Grim gateway of tortured stone
Opens in an accursed threshold
They only think it's a hall for their tortured lord
Here is so many ways a figure covered in blood
Covered in blood
C...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
I call The Fire from within.
Let Thy Flames grow stronger and burn higher
Till the enemy is won within me.
Let Thy Fiery Tongues
Lick my soul to Charcoal Black.
Let Thy Blaze burn...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
Come bringers of sickness and death
Ogiodi, Iopgna, Atoglo and Rmlaon
I invoke thee evil angels
Come forth to vomit thy grief
Gah iad oi as momar
Spread thy (leathery) wings over ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
Do you dare to join the choir
Of opened skin and weeping flesh
Dare you take this sharp key
And penetrate the carnal wall
What treasures will it reveal?
Perhaps a hidden truth ben...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
We must burn to ashes
To rise again
With a threefold glory
Prepare yourself
For the unhallowed day
When our souls are fit to climb
And the fools are left behind
Overwhel...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
I have gone far beyond the pale
The invincible sun eclipsed and bound
Languid with absinthe, a muse I sought
From Demonic apparitions as pleasant deliverers
They ride the moo...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
Ge-vomsarg iaida laiad
Ge-fifalz iaida laiad
Ge-vomsarg doalim oali od oado
Gemeganza doalim oali od oado
Not unto every one of you
Is the highest
Of th...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
The lunar current within the earth
It curls around the ashen, uninstructed mortals
Damn them, damn them who pity!
They shall be smitten and fed to celestial fire
Quoth the crowned ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
Shadows crawl
Over the christian kingdom
Shadows crawl, shadows crawl
Shadows grow
In twilight every inch a demon
Shadows grow, shadows grow
Shadows roll
Blacken skies come down
...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent
Cryptic lore of the black crosse
As transversary called by dee
Sinister with latent horror
After the sixteen next the gate
The evil angels
Minsters and servants
The trumpet...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Enochian Crescent