[Verse 1]
Chasing, chasing your shadow
Wasting, wasting the battle
Changing, changing the channel
Now all the fuss is just faith without the rush
Remember what it felt like to...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
[Sample: Dr. Sandy F. Ray]
"... There's discipline that we need in the jungle. Then there are dangers in this jungle. There are many types of strange animals in this jungle. This ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
A torrent of destruction hid
My darkened soul from rescuing
I cried to God for help, He heard my voice
The tainted Earth, it rocked and reeled
The heavens bowed, the mountains ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
The mother of
Their affectionate cover-up
Does it feel like real love yet?
The mother of
Their affectionate cover-up
Does it feel like real love yet?...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
Dust to earth and ash to ocean
(Evanescent, fading fast
You are all I really have)
I'm not home 'til heaven opens
(Life's a vapor while it lasts
You are all I really...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
[Verse 1]
Once in while, I close my eyes
Drifting to sleep, You come alive
My heart begins to sing in tune
And suddenly all I see is You
In sunlight, in moonbeams
I...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
[Verse 1]
I'm trying to stay safe
In a digital escape
In an isolated world keep it tame
Cold and calculated truths
A reality I choose
In a regulated world feel no pain
[Pr...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
[Verse 1]
Turn the lights on, look at what I have
See the twisted trophies of a dead man
Countless stories tell of sin and pain
But they sing the sweetness of my Savior's grace...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
[Verse 1]
When my heart is weary, when my soul is weak
When it seems I can't traverse the trail before me
I survey the glory of Your agony
And I find the will to fight for what...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope
[Voicemail: Alex Early]
Hey man. Nobody-- dude, nobody just picks a topic like "zeal" because they're actually experiencing zeal for the Lord. You picked a topic like that ’caus...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Kings Kaleidoscope