Blac is a colour that is good,so say I and many mo;blac is my hat, blac is my hood,blac is all that longeth therto.Summe men sayen that I am blac -it is a colour for my prow;ther I...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
I must go walk the woods so wild,and wander here and therein dred and dedly fere,for where I trusted,I am begild,and all for one.Thus am I banisshed from by blisby craft and false ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Tempus est ioundum, o virginesmodo congaudete, vos iuvenesFlos est puellarum, quam diligo,et rosa rosarum, qua caleo.Tua me conortat promissio,tua me deportat negatio.O, totus flor...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Flow, my tears, fall from your springs!exiled for ever let me mourn;where night's black berd her sad infamy sings,ther let me live forlorn.Hark, you shadows that in darkness dwell,...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Cant voi l'aube du jour venir,Nulle rien ne doi tant hair,K'elle fait de moi departirMon amin, cui j'ain per amors.Or ne hais riens tant com le jour,Amins, ke me depairt de vos.Qua...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Cant voi l'aube du jour venir,Nulle rien ne doi tant hair,K'elle fait de moi departirMon amin, cui j'ain per amors.Or ne hais riens tant com le jour,Amins, ke me depairt de vos.Qua...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Cant voi l'aube du jour venir,Nulle rien ne doi tant hair,K'elle fait de moi departirMon amin, cui j'ain per amors.Or ne hais riens tant com le jour,Amins, ke me depairt de vos.Qua...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Muito demostra a Virgen, a Sennor esperital,Sa lealdad' a aquele que acha sempre leal.E de tal razon com' esta, vos direi com' hua vezA Virgen Santa Maria un mui gran miragre fezPo...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Cant voi l'aube du jour venir,Nulle rien ne doi tant hair,K'elle fait de moi departirMon amin, cui j'ain per amors.Or ne hais riens tant com le jour,Amins, ke me depairt de vos.Qua...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal
Stetit puella rufa tunica;si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit.Stetit puella tamquam rosula:facie splenduit et os eius floruit....Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Qntal