(Do, do, do, do, do, do-do-do-do)(Do, (doop, doop) do, do, do, do)(Do, do, do, do, do, do-do-do-do)(Do-do-do-do...)I'm eighteen with a bulletGot my finger on the trigger, I'm gonna...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Pete Wingfield
(Do, do, do, do, do, do-do-do-do)(Do, (doop, doop) do, do, do, do)(Do, do, do, do, do, do-do-do-do)(Do-do-do-do...)I'm eighteen with a bulletGot my finger on the trigger, I'm gonna...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Pete Wingfield
(Do, do, do, do, do, do-do-do-do)(Do, (doop, doop) do, do, do, do)(Do, do, do, do, do, do-do-do-do)(Do-do-do-do...)I'm eighteen with a bulletGot my finger on the trigger, I'm gonna...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Pete Wingfield
YeaToday I wanted to write a tuneStarted strummin' this little groove,I could've wrote about love or moneySomething sad or something funnyBut hey, hey, heyWhat's so wrong, with one...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Richie Brown
YeaToday I wanted to write a tuneStarted strummin' this little groove,I could've wrote about love or moneySomething sad or something funnyBut hey, hey, heyWhat's so wrong, with one...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Richie Brown
É com amorComo uma florSe pode ser felizNo desertoEu encontreiUm oásis sem fimE nesta vidaJuramidamEscolho Deus prá mimCom esta florQue tenho amorBromélias, querubinsNeste plan...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Pedro Paulo Gonçalves Bernardo
Com a água e o sal se fazO oceano e um mar de pazPorém não devo olharO mal ficou prá trásEsta estátua de sal nos trazUma lembrança a se lembrar jamaisE prá frente obedecerA...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Pedro Paulo Gonçalves Bernardo
Eu vou repetirQue o Mestre me ensinouQue este grande amorVem do CriadorQue nos dá saúdeE o bem-estarAssim eu quero serMeu nome o bem- dizerPapai meu professorMamãe te dou louvor...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Pedro Paulo Gonçalves Bernardo
Running out of time yeah running out of time yeahT,t,t,time machine t,t,t,time machineGot to be there ultra focus singularity got to be here firstGot to be there laser gun point gr...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Paranoid
I never thought I'd find a man who blows my mindBut you give me all I need to be satisfiedYou came along one day you raised me up and made me swayYou swept me off my feet my heart ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Paranoid