Oh mister monkey man, I've got a favour can't you see
I was wondering if you would make a monkey out of me
Because you know it would be cool to sit around all day
And throw my poo...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
I feel I shouldn't need to tell you
That just 'cause you can do what you want
It doesn't mean that you should
And just because the law tells us we're grown ups now
It doesn't mean ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
Sitting in the living room, staring at the decorations
Feels so out of place in this house
Sucking on a toffee apple, munching on some pumpkin pie
Seems so out of place in his mout...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
A lot of people on the internet like writing songs about weird things
And one thing that can cause upset is the hardship that rhyming brings
Rhyming words like things and brings is...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
The Doctor's stuck in the Pandorica,
Amy might be dead and Rory's a Roman with a gun inside his hand -
Seems like things aren't going as planned
River's in the tardis,
The tardis ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
This is a song that I wrote you for your birthday
Because I couldn't be bothered to buy you anything
And I know that you might think that
Writing this song required more effort
Tha...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
I found you this morning
When I was on break
Thought you were funny
If a little insane
I quickly forgot you
And got on with my day
But then there you were
Back in my mind again
F...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
This is my face on my head on my shoulders
With eyes and a mouth and a nose
With a lie on my tongue and a weight on my back
And a fidgeting twitch in my toes
But this isn't me anym...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie McDonnell
I heard the storm on my windows, through the night,
I woke up, before it was light,
I drew the blinds and got quite a scare,
When I looked outside, and you weren’t there,
The...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie Moss
I got a bad habit slowly sinkin' in
I got a bad habit now slowly sinkin' in
Got me hearin' voices, seein' through my skin
When a man gives you his hat, he's livin' on borrowed...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charlie Musselwhite