A business worth 26 billion,Advertisers promote a life of addiction.What price human life in the face of profit,And donations to pigs and politics?It decimates the NHS,Involved in ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
"they fuck you up your mum and dad,they don't mean to but they do" Philip LarkinYou fuck me up and call it love,Well the time, the time has come.Bring you down a peg or three,Fuck ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
What kind of god takes a man's son,Then gives his own to right our wrongs?Born in a stable, hung on a cross.His gain became our loss.Revered, worshipped, now one of three,Filled wi...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
I was drunk in youth's womb,Hungover for years in this tomb.I hate the yellow veins in your green and pink face,I hate the hedgerows in your countrified lanes.Bright lights,Where t...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
Clouds of poison blow into homes, only 50 meters away.Handicapped school beside toxic tip,Breathing the shit every day.Most people have ulcers,or their gut ruptures.Damage to kidne...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
Transgenic pigs, don't listen to virologists.Xenotransplantation.Cancerous cells, life's eradication.Nature's cigar, smoke on this,Hundreds dead 1976.Fever, 39 degrees centrigrade,...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
Veins pumping with evil,Drugs administered against their will.Operation "no living thing".Killing, burning, shooting evrything."God won't blame me for that",Future prosperity in th...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
Etch-a-sketch, shake your fleshFrom my mind, i count ther time.By coloured scraps of recollectionAnd useless additions to an unlistened collection.I've lost it again,Where i cannot...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - In Decades Decline
You think its right when you see my reactionsome say a small sacrificebut the consequence of you're actions hold a much higher pricecos what is going onis just a slower wrongjoe's ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Capdown
Christmas only comes once a year
At least thats what i hear
And once its gone
You never get that one back
Its better to give that it is to recieve
And if u dont believe
Then you s...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - MxPx