Praise Him you heavens
And all that's above
Praise Him you angels
And heavenly hosts
Let the whole earth praise Him
Praise Him the sun moon
And bright shining stars
Praise Him you...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
Your love O Lord
Is like the oceans
Deeper than endless seas
Your faithfulness
Is like the mountains
And Your Word never fails
Glory to God
Let every heart sing
Glory to God in t...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
Como Grande É O Nosso Deus
Como grande é nosso Deus, cante comigo, como grande é nosso Deus
Todos verão como grande, como grande é nosso Deus.
Nome acima de todos nomes, mer...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
How can you refuse him now, how can you refuse him now,
How can you turn away from his side,
With tears in his eyes, on the cross there he died,
How can you refuse Jesus now.
Ther...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
Eu Creio
Agora eu sei que há um caminho melhor
Eu Te amo mais e mais a cada dia
Minha fé no Único que eu amo
Eu creio no Deus dos céus
Eu creio, eu creio
Eu creio no Filho d...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
Now I know there's a better way
I love You more and more each day
My faith in the One I love
I believe in God above
I believe, I believe
I believe in the Son of God
I'm alive in Y...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
This is my desire to honor You
Lord with all my heart
I worship You
All I have within me
I give You praise
All that I adore is in You
Lord I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
I behold your power and glory
Bring an offering, Come before You
Worship You Lord
In the beauty of Your holiness
Whenever I call You're there
Redeemer and friend
Cherished beyond ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
I bow my knee
I give myself
As a living sacrifice for You
I lay me down
Before Your throne
Take my past I'll stand on You
Let Your blood wash over me
Let Your blood wash over me
...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia
Jesus is alive
Death has lost it's victory
And the grave has been denied
Jesus lives forever
He's alive!
He's alive!
He's the Alpha and Omega
The first and last is he
T...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hillsong Music Australia