Hava nagila, hava nagila, hava nagila
Ve-nisma-cha, ve-nisma-cha
Hava na-ranana, have na-ranana, hava na-ranana
Ve-nisma-cha, ve-nisma cha
Uru, uru achim
Ur'achim be-lev sa-me-ach...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
He's got the whole world in his hand
He's got the whole world in his hand
The whole wide world in His hand,
He's got the whole world in his hand
He's got the whole world in his ha...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
Hound Dog
(James Smith & Katie Lee)
Chorus: Hound dog, bay at the moon.
Lay back your long ears; sing a sad tune.
Lift up your long head and bay at the moon.
Hound dog, bay at t...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow
And mistletoe
And presents 'neath the tree
Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be ho...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
Yass, Yass, Yass
Source: Bob Pfeffer
Source's source: Michael Cooney (1988 Old Songs Festival)
Comments: A Blind Blake song, so say Michael C. And dick G.
I also...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
One bright morning, when this life is o'er
I'll fly away,
To that home on God's celestial shore
I'll fly away.
Cho: I'll fly away (O glory)
I'll fly away (in the morning)
When I d...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
Into The Air
Into the air, you. S. Air Force*
Into the air, pilots true
Into the air, you. S. Air Force
Keep your nose up in the blue;
And when you hear the engines roaring
And th...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
Itsy bitsy spider
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
The sun came out and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider w...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
Ja, so warn's, ja so warn's, ja so warn's, die oidn Rittersleut,
Ja so warn's, ja so warn's, die oidn Rittersleut.
Ja, und so ein Rittersmann hatte sehr viel Eisen an,
Die meisten...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten
Jesus Christ the same
Jesus Christ the same
Jesus Christ the same
The same yesterday,
The same today,
The same forever...
Lord You are The same
Lord You do not change
Lord You...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Hit Artists Now Fogotten