come on now and see the coursethat never fields the game of choiceand cold allies of steelcouldn't buy the way it feelsrusty and divided steelthe race is yet to come...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
give me the cost of the albatrossand wear it 'round your neck for sizedon't let it get you downi'm looking inside your houseand oh and it smells so niceyour house always looks so n...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
The lifeblood lighthouse flashingSixteen chicks remain on watchFor the wheels to come rolling inAnd they doYes they always doI'd be bored and dissapointed if they didn'tBuzzards an...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
If i waited for you to signify the moves that i should makei'd be on the takegold star for robot boywell then that's okIf i waited for you to show me a the actions that i should ta...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
to see the light and try but failon jagged seas that can't be sailedand sought to lead but always trailedasked questions anywayand all around the breeding groundsthe nymphos sweetl...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
deliver this message to the one i love the mosti've lost all my money to a 300 pound ghostsqueaky was a sad child - the product of neglectgot stung by a jellyfish demanding her res...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
Why is it every time I think about youSomething that you have said or implied makes me doubt youThen I look into your cynical eyes and I know itAs if it never meant anything to meP...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
Sitting out on your house,Watching hardcore UFOs,Drawing pictures, Playing solos 'til ten,Are you amplified to rock?Are you hoping for a contact?I'll be with you, without you, Agai...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
cold hands touching my facedon't hide - the snake can see youold friends you might not rememberfading away from youthe goldheart mountaintop queen directorythe goldheart mountainto...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices
i met a non-dairy creamerexplicitly laid out like a fruitcakewith a wet spot bigger than a great laketook me to the new churchand baptized me with saltshe told me, "liquor"i am a n...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Guided by Voices