What is this game we play with broken hearts and tears?
Been played by young and old for oh so many years,
Can you tell me honestly you've never been a pawn?
Someone steals your lo...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
Your life passes you by, I live, you die.
The arena is mine, I live, you die.
Entry of the gladiators, 264 B. C.
The emperors and nobles have made a pawn of me.
I battle slaves en...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
So you wanna come up on me
Chest out up on both feet
Puffed up, look down your nose
Attitude up on your tip toes
Hope you know how it's gonna be
Blood and knuckles out in the stree...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
I see the tracers it leaves in the sky
A racing stripe canopy for your eye
I see it dying fast right through the floor
An aftershock of filth and gore
We try our best to just keep...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
Stop everything you do
Take a step outside and look through
There's a path you do not see
And it's all lit up and lined with trees
There's an arrow directing you there
Bright neon ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
I feel guilty about being alive
I've been hiding in the basement of my mind
If I don't keep moving
My feet will fall asleep
It gets a little harder
When the snow's so deep
What I...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
Another night of restless sleep, a life I chose to lead,
Dream of harsh reality, a vision of your life you see.
House of fire; the price you pay for a broken family,
The anger that...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
If it were oh just gone
If it just wasn't there
Would I disappear
Would I even care
Avoid in the arrangement
A blindspot in my mind
A space in what's important
A black hole of some...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
All I see is sand in my eye
All I hear are prayers
All I think is believe me or die
All I do is prepare
My god is the only one
My way supreme
If you don't believe in me
I will hea...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam
My fast heart is beating
My soul cut and bleeding
My hells are too meeting
With the man inside my brain
I tell him the all as
I stand and I fall
And just to top it all
I pay him ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Flotsam and Jetsam