I easy laugh, I easy cry
I soft inside, she partly why
I used to yearn, and now I sing
Since she's my queen,
Well that makes me king
And she and I are like brother and siste...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
Well I was dancing at a night club one Friday night
And that night club bar was a little uptight
Yeah, I was dancing all alone a little self conscious
When some kids came up and...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
She says she don't love me
But I don't know
Says she don't love me
But how can this be so?
If she don't love me
If love has gone
Why is she still around
When it's been so...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
Sometimes I think of only her
Sometimes no
I'm feeling delicate and
This must show
I'm so confused I'm so confused
I'm so confused I'm so confused
I like to do stuff but I
Best g...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
I'm always gonna have to know I'm important in your life.
If you try and come see me and I'm not there,
Tell me you tried so I know you care.
I want to know that I'm important...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
In the lonely financial zone
By the sea
I have walked under moon and stars.
Skyscrapers shone in their dark majesty.
In this otherwordly land of ours.
I've walked by the bui...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
My old Lydia, Oh Lydia
My old Lydia, Oh Lydia
My old Lydia, Oh Lydia
Oh Oh Oh
I saw this beautiful girl today
And yes she took my heart away
My old Lyida Oh Lydia
Oh Oh Oh...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
Jonathan Richman ---Let Her Go Into The Darkness
Well, she's back with her old boyfriend,
He don't challenge her, he don't contend with her.
And she don't answer the cards you sen...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
See, I come from Boston.
I'm gonna tell you about how I love New England.
It's my favorite place.
I've been all around the world, but I love New England best.
I might be prejud...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman
I want people to love me like I can love
I want people to love me like I love
I want to open up my lunch box
Find a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in there
Just like when I w...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Jonathan Richman