Faux pantin et des bras, des jambes, à quoi bonIl n'y a pas d'âmes, alors tu transmets les messageLa cour, asservie, on connait, on s'ennuieMasques de faux-semblants, ennui, enco...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Third Memory
Trop fières aussi, et nos pathétiques songes se tournent vers ellesTraversent leur enveloppe de charbon, se couchent entre leurs ombres étincelantes et lividesNous ne sommes dé...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Third Memory
Le comble et nos histoiresSeuls fuient - vers mes sens - vers mes larmesQue mon âme fuie vers mes sens et croire ce que ma vie pourrait êtreLa tristesse et non la joie, et je sai...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Third Memory
Décroche-le et songe à ne plus t'en servirA l'encontre, le miroir, employé naufragéAu matin je ne vois que le chrome et la cendreÀ mesure que sourit l'usure, les fils et les a...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Third Memory
La maladie s'installe comme un enfant au plus profond de vos bons sentimentsUn enfant ridicule, jonché de feuilles mortesLe monde danse autour de vous, hurlants comme des écorch�...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Third Memory
little hints of summer shining throughpouring from a window bathed in blueand i can't stand the rain of the stormthis time i should be letting goyou shook me all nighti slept 'till...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Grinspoon
I wasn't very popular in High School, and I felt like I needed some group of people, to accept me and to love me for who I am, and this is a song about that.Everything sucked in Hi...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Tenacious D
[Young Buck]Heyyyy! I gotta slow downI said we gotta slow downLet me take you back to high school, ninety-fo'When at least when a nigga had time to goWalk to the bus stop, sellin r...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Linkin Park
Sometimes i feel so small,Sometimes i think i can beat them all, But most of the time, i just feel confused.I try, i really try,I try to keep myself in line.But its hard, and i end...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Rollins Band
Rated 0and here's my updated version for this song:Revelation of Doom -----------------of evil Nothing to return --------To the gates of hell, The holy trinity will burn. Bow down ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Gorgoroth