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Artist- Edyta Górniak

Album-Selected Hits For All Moods

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The nights get colder, around this time of year Nothing helps to keep me warm The days get older, oh so slowly gone When you're far away from home Nothing can stop the night from f...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

Gdzieś na dnie Taki jak ty Rozdarty, słaby, złamany, zły Zaszczuty w świecie paranoi I strachu Ambicji, honoru I walki Czuję się odarty z uczuć Z moich myśli, zgwałcony ...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

Nie mow, ze dzisiaj nie konczy sie swiat, Ze bol kiedys minie Zagoi rany czas. Nie mow, ze jeszcze przede mna jest wciaz To, co najpiekniejsze. Jak mam uwierzyc w to? Nie prosze ...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

Softly as the tone breaks Softly before you make Wanting as you lie beside me one day in the sun Watching as my love grows Some height, lonely wind blows Waiting for the moment th...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

Moze widziales ja, gdy plakala resztka lez Chciala byc inna lecz, Uznali to za grzech Jej bialy plecak, jak zagiel pod wiatr Jakby chcial uciec hen w dal Odwrócili sie od niej, Wi...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

There are roads that can take you to places that you've never been There are people - when you meet them it's Like they have lived inside your skin There are souls you connect with...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

My love I know it's late I shouldn't call at this hour But it's my fate I know it's late I shouldn't call at this hour But it's my fate I need lips to devour My nervous system is s...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

Swiat Twoj, tak zwyczajnie, Pod niebem bialym, czarnym, Ludzie sa wyczieci z szarych stron, Ze srodka ksag, Piekni sa z romansow tla, Zmenczeni tylko z gazet, A ja jestem biala czy...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

Teraz wiem to nie bybo to Nie jest mi ju| nawet |al Twoich zdrad nie boj si Teraz wiem Nie zobaczysz moich Bez Mo|esz robi to co chcesz To ju| nie dotyczy mnie Teraz jest mi l|ej N...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

Whenever you're near, You take my breath away. I've nothing to fear, When you have your arms around me. No one could ever get close to me. Until your love came along. Whatever it t...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Edyta Górniak

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