Listen, I'm so unbored:"The magic word is relax."I'll rub Ho-Toi, his god of happiness,The one that came with or without boys.And Make my wish for the day:No more revenge cobbler o...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Fiery Furnaces
If you wish to wait until dusk I respect your policy.But by all means, my liege, lay siege, lay siege, or whatever else you might want to call it.WeWould only be restoring to the r...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Fiery Furnaces
She tells me about last night and her 103rd first date (she counted).And she counted her pairs of pants again.I've only got 53, minus the ones I've got on.I want a restorative beer...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Fiery Furnaces
Emma was walking with Mandeep and JingJing on the second day of Spring.Emma was walking with Mandeep and JingJing on the second day of Spring.She said she was sick of her porch pil...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Fiery Furnaces
Disregard for how and where andwith whomYou amuse yourself encourages bad behavior.The Duke, as was appropriate, held himself in high regard,And therefore considered himself in nee...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Fiery Furnaces
Listen, these are not as drunken asyou suppose.It might not be 3 o'clock in the morninglike it seems:The little children will be prescient.And your young men will see shows,And you...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Fiery Furnaces
Antioch agent wrote a letter per usualDated it's 100 degrees perpetual,Sent via the swift dromedary traversing her waysOn the odd and even days.It said the lion's come up from his ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Fiery Furnaces
wieder einmal den tod zwischen den zähnen,einmal mehr folter und sadismus geschluckt.einmal mehr auf das leid der tiere geschissen.hast auch du mal wieder für ekel undgrausamkeit...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Angstzustand
eure programme - manifestiert in meinem kopf. taktisch gelenkt - antrainiertes leben ohne widerstand eure hierachie - gefangenschaft schafft geistigen stillstand. neue wege - kontr...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Angstzustand
wenn du glaubst, "diese" liebe sei eine krankheit,wenn du annimmst, deine lust sei die messlatte dergängigen norm, wenn ihr denkt, euer sogenanntergott billigt dieses wunderbare g...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Angstzustand