the blues the greys the rainy days, they're coming to get ya
they rearrange and seem to change, the rhythm it sets ya
we crave the wave we need to save the thrill and the feeling
p...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quench
Yeah, ayy, okay
You think you’re prepared? You’re not prepared
Them dudes over there do not compare
Stuck to the code that got me here
It's up, it's stuck,�...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quentin Miller
No matter what
You print on me
I'm on my way for real
No matter
you make me guilty
My only word is
Carpe Diem
Can disagree
So what???
You'll be the muse
Fo...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quentin Mosimann
D'une bande magnétique, un soupir lui échappe.
Sur un écran géant, ses yeux se ferment.
Chercher le garçon, trouver son nom, chercher le garçon.
Réveil tragique succède u...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quentin Mosimann
Whatever is noble
Whatever is true
So compelling
Perfect to you
Whatever you heard or learnt or receive
It's time to practise what you believe
Think, just think about it
Let it t...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quench
Paresseuse, par essence, elle est paresseuse.
Est-ce vraiment la paresse ou trop de quoi, ou qu'est-ce?
Apparemment elle est heureuse, c'est la plus heureuse des paresseuses.
De t...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quentin Mosimann
Gainsbourg Zéro-Dix
S'rait-il Mayfair où Saint-Sulpice ?
Videur, danseur, voyeur, artiste ?
Hardeur ? Petit... petit pianiste ?
Dis-moi, Gainsbourg Zéro-Dix
Mon coeur dressera...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quentin Mosimann
Da da da da dum, duh da da da da dum (8 times)
I was checking you out
But you didn't even know
That I was about,
I saw you when you were outfront
You were parking your car,
Y...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quesh
Certains disent tout leur amour, leur envie que ça dure toujours
C'est un crime comme on embrasse, un défi au temps qui passe
D'autres sont jetés au vent n'importe où, n'import...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quentin Mosimann
Si je dois finir ma vie – avec les anges,
Ce n’est pas leur compagnie – qui me dérange,
Mais je crains qu’ils me fassent mourir d’ennui.
Quand je s’rai devant St Pier...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quentin Mosimann