Jak je asi pod zemi,
Kdyz je clovek umreny?
Radsi se hned ozenim
A udelam to tajemstvi.
To tajemstvi.
Nejdriv bude v mamince,
Ta ho trosku ponosi,
Potom vyklouzne z maminky ven
A z...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty
Do obchodu prijde tlusta pani, ma velike bricho.
Smejdi tlustou rukou v regale, tam, kde lezi dobre veci.
S kosikem plnym dobrych veci prijde k pokladne,
vynda z kabelky penize, za...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty
O svoji touze
Trumpeta dlouze
Troubenim dava do sveta takovou vec.
Takovou vec, kterou nejdrive zakrouti nahoru,
Zakrouti nahoru, a potom zatroubi dolu.
Dolu a dolu a dolu ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty
Ja delam na draze, jezdi tu ve dne v noci vlaky.
Vlaky a koleje, zadne cary.
Zadne cary.
Cary, mary, fuk.
Ja jsem stary:
Jednoko, dvoko, troko, ctyko, pago, lago, icman, cicman, ta...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty
Sila me opousti,
Co bych mel.
Telo opustim,
Obratim se v prach.
Milacku, a-a
Nenene, nemej z toho strach.
Posad se ke me,
Jak to vsechno rychle...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty
Leti vrana, leti vzduchem,
Nepospicha, setri sily.
Jednim okem, jednim uchem
Sleduje, co ostatni vrany.
Taky leti, taky leti,
Druha vrana, treti vrana.
Nespechaji, setri sily -
Jes...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty
When I met you on the boardwalk that night
You were overdressed, melodramatic
Looked into my eyes
Sold me things along the lines of passion, romance, ecstasy
I ate it up like hallo...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buy Wag
Tick tock a distant country suffers from genocide.
While I sleep children starve in the streets, it's their everyday life
Tick tock the weight of the years comes crashing down.
I s...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buy Wag
I just want to be celebrity, a pre-packaged commodity
Wrapped in a bowtie and top heavy
Hoping that someone will buy me
Is there something you can inject to me?
To make my heart to...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buy Wag
Adrian, Adrian, Adrian, Adrian
Adrian, emmиnes-moi lа oщ l'important n'est pas d'кtre important
Adrian, Adrian, Adrian, Adrian
Adrian, emmиnes-moi lа oщ l'important n'est pa...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buzy