Tegar Lyrics

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Artist- Rossa

Album-Selected Hits For All Moods

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.Ergoda aku 'tuk berpikir> Dia yang tecinta
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Dirimu disini

Jangan inginku tersenyum
Tak ada gairah
Kuingin slalu bersamamu

Kini kuresah
Diriku lemah tanpamu... ohh

Gapai semua jemariku
Rangkul aku dalam bahagiamu

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Artist - Rossa

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Artist - Rossa

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Artist - Rossana Casale

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Artist - Rossana Casale

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Artist - Rossana Casale

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Artist - Rossana Casale

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Artist - Rossana Casale

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Artist - Rossana Casale

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Artist - Rossana Casale

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