Imam Efendi Spahic had three children and a grandchild that were killed by the shells that fell on Dairam.Before that, his wife too; as if God had taken her to Him, to protect her....Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
Number 6705, Sarajevo 1947, Yugoslav Communist Party local committee, Mostar:Call Mida Cadro in and inform her that the Party is of the opinion that she mush cut off all intimate r...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
The Chetniks banished the mental patients from Jagomir to the city.That day, one of them- holding the body of a dead sparrow by its claws - came up to someone walking along King To...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
The snipers, at least those aiming at Sniper Alley, shoot from the Jewish cemetary.Covered by the gravestones, they're safe.Dear Lord, punish all those who desecrate Jewish graves....Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
I'm running across an intersection to avoid the bullet of a sniper from the hill when I walk straight into some photographers:they're doing their job, in deep cover.If a bullet hit...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
1.In the daily reports - when a dozen of shells hit downtown, when snipers are in action and only a few have been killed or wounded - we are informed that a relatively calm day has...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
The woman in a seat near you is talking to herself.Fine - she says - all right.Just don't touch.All eyes turn to you and you also turn to see who's at fault.Ashamed, you turn back,...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
Spoiled, fondled by the hands of many women, I came upon you by chance, young Adam.And before I could lay my mouth on yours, you begged me, with the pale tender face of the tendere...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess
Live on, work-horse.Relief comes while you are unaware.Your condition is bad - I see you have no money, and you tell me,"To hell with it all!The gates of mercy are overcrowded.We n...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Charming Hostess