The lords and ladies pass a rulingThat sons and girls go hand in landFrom good stock and the best breedingPaid for by the servile classWho have been told all lie in stateTo bow dow...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council
Hold on is what they sayTo get any back to you will have to payDon't shout or get upsetIt's the same message from the holy Tory governmentDon't rock the sinking shipAnd don't fly i...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council
If you believe you have an equal shareIn the whole wide world and all it bearsAn' that your share is no less or more thanYour fellow sisters and brother manThen take this knowledge...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council
I could be discontent And chase the rainbows endI might win much more but lose all that is mineI could be a lot But I know I'm notI'm content just with the riches that you bring I ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council
Hush now child, and don't you cryYour folks might understand you, by and byJust move on upTowards your destinationYou may find, from time to time, complicationsBite your lip, oh ch...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Dee C. Lee
I was half in mind I was half in need, And as the rain came down I dropped to my knees and prayed I said "oh Heavenly thing please cleanse my soul, I've seen all on offer and I'm n...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council
High tide, mid afternoonPeople fly by, in the traffics boomKnowing, just where you're blowingGetting to where you should be goingDon't let them get you downMaking you feel guilty a...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Paul Weller
There's better ways of making cashThan waiting in parks, selling your arseBut I'm on the move, about to stayAlways old in a very young wayI'm a fool to myself when I think nowI bel...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council
The cost of lovings on the line againHoney, that just won't doAs we turn another blind eyeOh, they steal it from youBut the feelings coming backGuess it always willNo matter how hu...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council
I play out my roleWhy I've even been out walkingThey tell me that it helpsBut I know when I'm beatenAll those lonely filmsAnd all those lonely partiesBut now the feeling is off-scr...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - The Style Council