You can tell one lie a thousand times but that doesn't make it real
It's a thundercloud of alibis that empty words cannot conceal
When up is down and wrong is right in everything...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
(Everything goes perfectly until Yentl
Feels herself falling in love with Avigdor)
There's no chill and yet I shiver
There's no flame and yet I burn
I'm not sure what I'm afraid of...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
[Performed by Barbra Streisand]
I was warned as a child of thirteen
Not to act too strong
Try to look like you belong bur don't push girl
Save your time and trouble
Don't misbehav...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
(She joins a group of students on their way
To a Yeshiva in Bechv where she is tested
By the Rabbi. He is impressed with Yentl's
Knowledge and admits "him" as a student.)
There ar...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
Trying to help, Fanny puts up $20, 000 so that Nick
Can become a theatrical agent, but he sees through
Her ploy and it angers and humiliates him. Desperate
For money, he agrees to ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
Nothing lived, nothing grew
Till I loved you
Every sky ever gray, never blue
You were my friend, good friend
And sometimes I would wonder
Could the one to save me
Possibly be you?
...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
Two people
Like two children
We're holding back
We're holding on
Two children
Frightened of new places
Of getting lost
Of being found
Running, hiding
Somehow afraid of love
Playing...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
I remember when my voice was never heard
Many listened but they never heard the words
In my mind I can travel back in time
Relive the memories that kept my faith alive
In every hea...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
(Yentl finds herself in an impossible
Situation-and yet nothing's impossible!)
Look at me-I must be absolutely crazy!
How did 1 ever let it get this far?
Look at me! I'm getting de...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand
look at that face just look at it look at that funny old face of yours i
Knew first time i looked at it ***youve got a face like a kitchen door to
Say that theres no one like ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Barbra Streisand