When I reach into my pocket
That's where I lose control yeah
There's a panther in my tree now
And as you heard roar
Get out of my life, get out my girlfriend
Before I l...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
I can't believe it,
Talking to people,
That cowboys and Indians,
Are taking control
It really was a wild one,
But somebody's coming
A lot of fast people
Would fade away, yea...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
When criminals in this world appear,
And break the laws that they should fear,
And frighten all who see or hear,
The call goes out both far and near,
For Underdog!Underdog!Unde...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
Ever fall above with the law
Ever fall above with the law
Ever felt your gun for the trigger
Ever fell so fast you could die
Got to be at least 500 inches
Cubic inches ou...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
I'm in love with a TV star
She drove me home in her Lexus car
Like her dog but I don't watch her show
Spend my time with the radio
Seen her dancin on the Sunset Strip
Bel...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
Peace? I hate the word.
As I hate hell, all Montagues.
I had a dream last night
'Cause it looked just like a dream
I had a dream last night
But it looked unlike a dream...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
1, 2, 3, 4
Everybody all come running
Why do they run it so
Downtown up around they go
Downtown it's a run around, run around
Downtown it's an up town run around, Go
Yea, everybod...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
You don't know me
You just know my name
You want to see me ruined
Is that your game?
There's nothin' left at all
You want to see me ruined
??????...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Butthole Surfers
Az ja budu svaty,
budu curat na mraky.
A kdo nemel na zemi na curani korunu,
vycura se taky.
Budeme tam spolu,
vycurame se dolu
az do pekla sameho, tam at nam to zaplati
ti certi ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty
Ahoj, jsem Radek
A je mi 27 let,
Vysel jsem ze skoly,
Potom z prumyslovky,
Nastoupil jsem do prace,
A potom jsem sel na vojnu.
Kdyz jsem se vratil,
Uz jsem tusil,
Ze hudba je moje ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Buty