A fine romance, with no kissesA fine romance, my friend this isWe should be like a couple of hot tomatoesBut you're as cold as yesterday's mashed potatoesA fine romance, you won't ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
Zoom zoom zoom zoomThe world is in a messWith politics and taxesAnd people grinding axesThere's no happinessZoom zoom zoom zoomRhythm lead your aceThe future doesn't fret meIf I ca...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
Waking skiesAt Sunrise,Every sunset too,Seems to beBringing meMemories of you.Here and there,Everywhere,Scenes that we once knew,And they allJust recallMemories of you.How I wish I...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' townChicago, Chicago, I will show you aroundI love itBet your bottom dollar you'll lose the bluesIn Chicago, ChicagoThe town that Billy Sunday could...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
And when I die and when I'm dead, dead and gone, there'll be one child born and a world to carry on, to carry on. I'm not scared of dying and I don't really care. If it's peace you...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
It begins to tell 'round midnight'Round midnightI do pretty well 'til after sundownSuppertime I'm feeling sadBut it really gets bad 'round midnightMemories always start 'round midn...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
Oh, give me something to remember you byWhen you are far away from meJust a little something, meaning love cannot dieNo matter where you chance to beSo I'll pray for you, night and...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
"Eparrê, Aroeira beira de mar Salve Deus e Tiago e Humaitá Eta, costão de pedra dos home brabo do mar Eh, Xangô, vê se me ajuda a chegar" Minha alma canta Vejo o Rio de Janeir...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
The falling leaves drift by the windowThe autumn leaves of red and goldI see your lips, the summer kissesThe sun-burned hands I used to holdSince you went away the days grow longAn...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra
When April showers may come your wayThey bring the flowers that bloom in MaySo when it's raining have no regretsBecause it isn't raining rain you knowIt's raining violetsAnd when y...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra