To Ulver I Natten Lyrics

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Artist- Postgirobygget

Album-Selected Hits For All Moods

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Artist - Postgirobygget

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Artist - Postgirobygget

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Artist - Postgirobygget

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Artist - Postino

Hver gang jeg kommer hjem med blomster til deg Ser du på meg og spøare hva er galt. Gjøare jeg noe fint for deg Snur du deg og spøare er det noe du ikke har fortalt. Hver gang ...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Postgirobygget

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Artist - Postman

[Verse 1] E ci siamo persi e non ti ho vista allontanare Sta piovendo ma qui sott'acqua non ti puoi bagnare E ti perdo ogni giorno ad ogni risveglio Con la scusa che sul fondal...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Postino

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Artist - Postman

[Verse 1] Se fossi qui, stasera sai Ti porterei dov'è che vuoi, Ci scambieremo i nostri problemi. E se ti va, mi parlerai Delle scuse che ti inventerai, Ridendoci su come du...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Postino

Good looking out to this one, original Guess who's coming this year Postman loud and clear Kid if you hating on a brother can you tell me what for If you heading down South then im...Read Full Lyrics

Artist - Postman

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