No silêncio da noite, tão só eu me acheiFoi então que Jesus me encontrouCom Sua mão me amparouSeu amor me alcançouEu estava perdido, mas Jesus me encontrouEncontrou-me JesusE...Read Full Lyrics
I feel it in my head, my shoulders, knees and toesMy bonesYour music gets me through the highs and lowsMy head, shoulders, knees and toesMy bonesYou're keeping me from feeling all ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarterhead
Hey guess we never met beforeDon't you live on 64th?And I thought you'd like a new bagGetting rides from the liquor storeCoo-coo girls like in Jersey ShoreWe don't miss a thingTher...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarterhead
Cookie Dough (Cookie Dough)I'm sorry last night at the partyIn between so many SmartiesThere goes Vanilla, here comes the Peanut butNever tried the CaramelAlmost tasted Chocolate F...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarterhead
Cookie Dough (Cookie Dough)I'm sorry last night at the partyIn between so many SmartiesThere goes Vanilla, here comes the Peanut butNever tried the CaramelAlmost tasted Chocolate F...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarterhead
I feel it in my head, my shoulders, knees and toesMy bonesYour music gets me through the highs and lowsMy head, shoulders, knees and toesMy bonesYou're keeping me from feeling all ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarterhead
Cada dia, cada hora, cada minuto, Neste instante, mesmo agora, Seu amor comigo está onde quer que eu vá. (4x)Na cidade, ou no interior; Lá na praia, não importa onde for Pode s...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarteto Ministry
I feel it in my head, my shoulders, knees and toesMy bonesYour music gets me through the highs and lowsMy head, shoulders, knees and toesMy bonesYou're keeping me from feeling all ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarterhead
E poucos dias depois, o filho mais novo, ajuntando tudo, partiu para uma terra longínqua.O pai vê a partida, o seu coração quer partir.Lamenta que o filho mais moço,Seus conse...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarteto Ministry
Neste mundo de tantas dúvidas Onde o mal está em todo lugar, É difícil termos coragem pra continuarNeste mundo de promessas quebradas, Onde quase não há homens de valor, Prec...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - Quarteto Ministry