Rattled chime, slow ringing echo
Roll around in virus meadow
Suck enchanted nightshade twine
Hear the bells beneath us chime
Sinking sermon, priest head murmurs
Holy words across t...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Also The Trees
"A grain of sand amidst endlessness,
Your mortal life of no worth to my own for it is meaningless.
I have many names amidst the tongues of man,
But eternal I have been and I shall ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
It was in tragedy of reflection that is, oh purest of nights was to drink incessantly from these veins.
Beauty in comparison to no other.
A standard made in flesh will in sickening...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
The luminosity of your existence
Shall not succumb to the hands of negation.
The contrary has taught me
That with golden feathered wings you will ascend.
The tragedy of such a day...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
Unlocked, the mechanism's gears turn
In their graves of rust.
These ancient turbines
Will breathe coal-thick darkness again.
The cryptic thing lurches forward,
A rhythm set in mot...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
It seeks to be released.
The fragments of a once brightened disposition are blackened in misanthropic disgust of all that has unsettled from within.
In mere repulsion, so ravenous ...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
With unease have I slept these past months.
Her stride burning bright the confines of my dreams, the sleight of hand unleashing this perfection.
To such heights she will grow.
Horr...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
This will not end tonight.
I have bared witness to tragedy in many and my refusal to accept this will end all suffering.
The blackened horizon beclouded by the presence of Gothic a...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
The wane of my crescent fixation,
The moon she doth corrodes.
Thousands of voiceless faces
Besmirch the darkened canopy.
This winter's night, needful and torturous,
Has unearthed m...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With
The scent of oh purest carnage, familiar to these hills.
My father hath traversed these lands decades before my birth.
A century doth pass by, the veins of the earth entrenched wit...Read Full Lyrics
Artist - And Hell Followed With