Three o' three.. the seconds they are sequins And the minute string, ravelled 'round the mannequin Of formless space, a party line at last that we canAll embrace — and segue to t...Read Full Lyrics
look at them running off the sidewalk,look at us falling off a building,look at them reading lights,look at me, look at you,could everybody standing around us,could everybody drown...Read Full Lyrics
I could sit and cryI am never madI am burning upI am broken upBrace yourselfBrace yourselfCome on play againDon't just stand and stareI keep calling youYou keep taking inBrace your...Read Full Lyrics
Have you ever dreamed of life in the first degree?Do you want to take a bite? Well come with me!And we'll look for a way to get together, foreverYour once upon a dreamIs waking on ...Read Full Lyrics
raise your glasses half empty the needle skips, spinning over and over all the drunks and their floosies pour out of the barsrun away with me now, our heads dizzy with starsrun awa...Read Full Lyrics
You don't have to be so scared to share what's inside
'cause you're Daddy's little superstar
And you're Mama's little butterfly
Fly high
A strange strange litany of verses and rev...Read Full Lyrics
let this one go, take your steps backthis boat has passed, this boat has passedcross over the bridge, walk down through the park, by the swingset you'll find me there, you'll find ...Read Full Lyrics
all across the subways these voices cry the same phrase:we're leaving in a motor car todaythe streetlights in the rearview shoot shadows through the dark bluejust thinking about mo...Read Full Lyrics
a single shot rang out in the streetand my heart grew still with fearwill this cold wind never cease?will i make it through this year?my father, he once told me:boy, you're gonna l...Read Full Lyrics
Take it back
I won't give
One more inch
But I'm afraid to hurt you
Hurt you what could I do
Like I could do to you what he does
Or half of what you have done to us
Remember when ...Read Full Lyrics
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