Joukahainen, a youthful son,Laplander, a slender fellowbore a grudge within his heart,bitter envy in his bosom.Thus he worked a fiery crossbow,so he shaped a noble bowand he formed...Read Full Lyrics
Steel, strike now, come into beingSpring up from the hot fire.Steel, strike now, rise from the ground.Arise from the busts of nymphs.Deadly steel, it's time to strike.You'll come t...Read Full Lyrics
Calmly I walk in the bone gardensI listen to the wind of north.I dig soil with my handsfor the good of the day to come.Tomorrow I will be back again.We'll drink a cup and another.I...Read Full Lyrics
Osmotar, the father of beerhe walked to the edge of the fields.The barley had come from Pellonpekko.Thus the barley was added to beer.Osmotar he rubbed his hands.So he rubbed the t...Read Full Lyrics
Joukahainen, he is great -greater than his stony relic,the vast barrow of Hot Steams,his tremendous sauna stove.Joukahainen, he is gloomier -gloomier than the dark forest,the fores...Read Full Lyrics
I heard the polka rhythm next doorand it set my soles on fire.Ieva's mom she watched her daughter,but Ieva turned out a liar.No matter what her mother saysas it's time to dance aro...Read Full Lyrics
The dream outside is askingwhether the child is in bed yet,whether he's wrapped in the blankets.The child is already in bed.He is lying in the blankets,but he cannot fall asleep.Dr...Read Full Lyrics
Rapids and fields, be merciful.Oh, Tapio, show me your grace.Show me the way to the islands.Let me wander through the woodlandswhere the elusive game is,where I may at last find my...Read Full Lyrics
There was a timeAnd there was a placeWhen we were one.And it was so stillAnd it was so darkAnd the place was my tum.And there came a timeAnd there came a placeWhen the bun was well...Read Full Lyrics
There was a timeAnd there was a placeWhen we were one.And it was so stillAnd it was so darkAnd the place was my tum.And there came a timeAnd there came a placeWhen the bun was well...Read Full Lyrics
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