I'm a slave to my belly 'cause it's got to be fedEvery morning, well it lifts me out of bed and says:"Go to work for me baby.Buy me some bread and some wine."My belly don't like me...Read Full Lyrics
The party's over the clock's long struck twelveNow you can be you and I can turn into myselfMy sisters will ask me, "How was the ball?"I'll say, "I don't want to talk about it at a...Read Full Lyrics
On a warm and sunny Sunday afternoonThey got up to eat some cereal with a spoonTwo empty bowlsAnd an empty bagAnd on TV they saw their dogs in dragTwas a dark and snowy day at scho...Read Full Lyrics
I'm not made for this, I'm not in shapeMy heart don't bend like that, it just breaksWhen we bring your bags down to the tracks that take you backI'm no good at this, don't know wha...Read Full Lyrics
I don't know what's on My mindI'm just so confused Right nowI can't help But feel a certain way 'Bout youUncontrolled is How I fellThis passionJust feels so realAll I wantIs for yo...Read Full Lyrics
Thinking of you the So many times we Talked and to realize Im more in love with you The more we talk. Having you there To help me out with So many of my problems I need a way to th...Read Full Lyrics
Some days are diamonds
Some days are rocks
Some doors are open
Some roads are blocked
Sundowns are golden
Then fade away
But if I never do nothing
I'm coming back some day ...Read Full Lyrics
We grew up fast
And no one seemed to notice
We grew up fast
And we grew up alone
Mom and Dad
Were never what we wanted
We grew up fast
And we grew up alone
We grew up alon...Read Full Lyrics
Que difícil se me hace, mantenerme en este viaje sin saber a donde voy en realidad. Si es de ida o de vuelta, si el furgón es la primera, si volver es otra forma de llegar. Que d...Read Full Lyrics
Gimme some bassThis is a song called Ordinary Love, thank youYeah, yeahSometimes love don?t always grow so easySometimes its in every port of callLying in-between the sheetsOr even...Read Full Lyrics
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