you drove me home in silenceten below the speed limiti couldn't even look at you for fear of breakingthe yellow lines on the road got smalleri could feel your eyes upon my neck wit...Read Full Lyrics
there were no stars for me tonight dearjust the unrelenting glare of street lampstoo bright for candles, too dim for nothing at alland the knot in my stomach it grows largerwith th...Read Full Lyrics
it was so windy last night i could hardly breatheand i went jumping in puddles just to see if i'd fall throughand i wish my cigarette was a million inches longerso i could wait 400...Read Full Lyrics
Sad to say our mighty ruler Is not really in the pink Hopes could not be minuscular That he'll come back from the brink Not to beat around the bush He looks like heading for his bo...Read Full Lyrics
Your asking me for something I no longer havemy words are chainedto the back of my throatlike helpless victimsof my mighty defeatyou say the words over and over againin some repeat...Read Full Lyrics
this is my present to youmy lifefor I have nothing left to do with ityou seem to "run it" these daysso take itI'll wrap it in all kinds of clothsbut you have to take it from my han...Read Full Lyrics
I'm like a cigaretteFlicked off to the sideBurning until nothings left of itBurning a last glow until someone stomps it outNot a trace left in it to say it was burning beforeNo glo...Read Full Lyrics
Lass dein Fleisch atmenLeg es freiLass Luft daranDie Haut ist störendNur ein KäfigReiß sie dir vom LeibFahr tief die KlingeZerteil die SchichtenTrag sie einzeln abDein Fleisch b...Read Full Lyrics
Ich traf dich in der DiscoUnd sprach dich anDein süßes LächelnHat es mir gleich angetanIch lad dich gerne einAuf ein Glas roten WeinDenn heute nacht, mein SchatzDa wirst du bei ...Read Full Lyrics
Mondlicht bescheint deinen offenen LeibMein Herz voll Glut, nach dir es schreitAugen, voller Anklage, überkochendeAgonieZuckende Glieder, Rinnsale von Blut,KatatonieHerzblut -- ic...Read Full Lyrics
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