A song is just a moment that might never come backA song is just a feeling that sometimes I regretWhen in that magic moment a melody is bornSome other moments later it may bother l...Read Full Lyrics
If you were the ocean and I was a sailboatWould I find the gumption to let myself sailFor lovin' and leavin', you're gone for a seasonIs not what I'm looking forIf you were the lau...Read Full Lyrics
Meaningless mind thoughts are all I have to say,Worthless rusted artifacts, are all that I could Pay,Moraless stories, are All that I could tell,Tasteless hurmor tales , are all th...Read Full Lyrics
Do you?Do you stop at the stop sighn?I wonder , it means all the world to me.Do you take the time to undo the pain?Its not your fault. You tried.My shoes are worn. Do you care?The ...Read Full Lyrics
Lookin' for a lady, walkin' through the bar
Supercool 'n' easy, he's a superstar
Talkin' to the cutie, looking pretty shy
"Move your hips around and make me smile"
"I'm the one you...Read Full Lyrics
Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen
I see your picture, laughter from yesterday
Silence all around me, except the voice from the TV
And I still can't believe it's over
But time will heal...Read Full Lyrics
Music: Scheepers/Lyrics: Scheepers
Innocent imprisoned, the guilty get away
Got no chance to prove that I'm the wrong one
Got a bad position justice seems to fail
I don't even kno...Read Full Lyrics
Let's make it about metal this timeWhich metal band do you support?Death Devil!(spits) Death Devil can't play to save their lives amigoYeah agreedWell, then I don't agree. I think ...Read Full Lyrics
We can win, we can lose
We can swallow the bad news
In the end we all know
Our life is just a show
Everybody plays a game and in our hearts
there's hidden our real face
Who is the...Read Full Lyrics
Voices are calling from somewhere below
Melting on the eastern shore
Rain is falling down on me,
Been waiting for eternity...
I'll be there!
Freedom for us all!
And I wonder why, ...Read Full Lyrics
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