I hate Monday and Wednesdaythose where cleaning daysfor when the prison got too crowdedfrom others come to stayguards would form relay teamsso that they would not tireand beat the ...Read Full Lyrics
Harry Truman Harry Truman can't go on without you in without you in my life you dropped the bomb then went to bed you slept the sleep of the newly dead Harry Truman make me your wi...Read Full Lyrics
We swore allegiance to the end with a wicked grin with the sun burning holes in the valley of sin Teddy came from bad seed that’s what he used to say his Daddy left with the cred...Read Full Lyrics
I'm having my picture madeso I can look back and sayI looked like that onceand I once felt that wayI'm having my picture madebecause words can't tellthe way the eyes can seethe sou...Read Full Lyrics
May day...may day 9 to 5how many union men are still aliveor did you kill them all at Haymarket SquareI saw the Pinkerton men slithering thereDid you work your normal 8 hour daydid...Read Full Lyrics
747 coming out of the skymamma said son why you wanna flywhen I was young my feet wouldn't stand still'till they made it on down to HendersonvilleBluegrass falling like a driving r...Read Full Lyrics
Hey, guess what happened today?a school principal got blown awayby an 8th grade kid armed with a lieand Moses watching from on highHappened where these things usually doin a suburb...Read Full Lyrics
Arnold Schwarzenegger is on the cover of Time magazineI think I need a drinkeither that or my mind is getting squirrellyand in that case I need a shrinkthis world it spins around a...Read Full Lyrics
God said to Abraham "kill me your son"Abe said "Lord it's currently being doneyou think it's easy come down herelook 'em in the eye and make 'em disappearwe can only kill what you ...Read Full Lyrics
Put me on a busput me on a planegoing to Houston towngoing to Houston townget me out of the darkget me out of the rainbring me to Houston townbring me to Houston townHouston town I...Read Full Lyrics
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