You look like Yassir ArafatYou look like Indira GhandiYou look like Robert DomicoYou look like Roberts, SandyYou look like Ronald ReaganYou look like Adolf HitlerYou look like Geor...Read Full Lyrics
You're a yob or you're a wanker - Take your fucking choice;So who is your favorite genius:James Hird or James Joyce?You ever seen a live performance?Join the wanker club.You though...Read Full Lyrics
I know his dad's abusiveAnd his mum prefers the daughter;I know he's got an attention Deficiency disorder;He is culturally excludedAnd genetically inbred:But the reason he's a home...Read Full Lyrics
Well I don't want to live and I don't want to dieI want shove a red hot poker through the eyeWell I want it to shine and I want it to rainI want to get hit by a freight trainBe bop...Read Full Lyrics
All that's good, all that's rightEverything hot and all that's tightWomen, men, pubescent girlsNever again to finger their curls on their head so exquisiteNever again to visitThe p...Read Full Lyrics
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 41, 2, 3, 4Bruises bruises bruisesCuts cuts cutsGiblets giblets gibletsGuts guts guts1, 2, 3, 4Hacksaw hacksaw hacksawScrape scrape scrapeMurder murder murderRape ra...Read Full Lyrics
Truck you 'Australia Felix'Truck you the sheep's backTruck you TasmaniaTruck you Big MacI drive a truckTruck you scotch and sodaTruck you the undergroundTruck you enigmatic codaTru...Read Full Lyrics
You can build an abattoir on Anzac CoveYou can invade Poland, scream, "Death to the foe!"You can cut the ozone layer down by thirdsJust don't come from the Western suburbsYou go to...Read Full Lyrics
Oooh !Was it God or the Devil tell me somebodyWho put Sophie Lee in Sophie Lee's body?Is it better or worse, I'll pay you some moneyMoneyIs it better or worse when she tries to be ...Read Full Lyrics
I want Milli VanilliI want Milli VanilliDon't want no 50's rockabilly – don't want no 50's rockabillyDon't want no Noiseworks, Woman Hot Chilli – I want Milli VanilliDon't want...Read Full Lyrics
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