This guy comes into the restaurantI guess his name was like ParisSo I bet his parents thought he should be all culturalSo he goes is this real butter?He sticks his finger in it and...Read Full Lyrics
Mother's dead hurts my headDoctor said take my med'sI know that things look brighter on the other side, hell yeahI know I'd feel quite lighter on the other side, hell yeahI want to...Read Full Lyrics
I woke up at nine and got myself a coffeeFor I had a very bad, bad dreamI was sleepy and tiredI washed my eyesI couldn’t trust themI became aware of...Of a girl in my showerShe w...Read Full Lyrics
Innocence, you were taken so slowly
It hit us suddenly
And now I can't leave my room
'Cause the lights of the city
Are just hiding from the dark
Innocence, we never got to say goo...Read Full Lyrics
Baby, I want to take you over that hillBaby, we could lay there stillMaybe you'd let me break you willIn the coolness of the breezeAnd the sunlight through the trees across your fa...Read Full Lyrics
We were fourteen and sitting in a movieWe were almost holding handsMy thumb would venture over for a second or twoEnough for her to understandI funally got up the nerveFigured "Wha...Read Full Lyrics
Have you ever been scaredEverybody's been scaredI've been scaredGod, I've been scaredHave you ever felt painEverybody's felt painI've felt painGod, I've felt painBut I'm the king o...Read Full Lyrics
Ah, the city, the speed of the cityThe fashion and the passion of billboards on the bussesMake another dollar.Make another call on your cell phoneSatellite brings it all into focus...Read Full Lyrics
I left the 99, the 99 to find the one, to find the one,She's the one that's in my head.You left the 99, the 99 to find the one, to find the one,I'm the one who's left for dead."Now...Read Full Lyrics
I took the long way home
But it led to the same apartment
Where no one's paid the phone bill
And no one really cares
When will that road
Go somewhere beautiful
And somewhere safe?
...Read Full Lyrics
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