johnny's pissed, his ex-girlfriend that he missesran off with his friendain't it hard, looking back back on all the memorieswhen you know it was pretenddon't feel bad for me i'm st...Read Full Lyrics
"I am alone: there is no God where I am"pass the fields of whiteleave the dead behindso many impressions that nighteverything surrounded by tearsand you in the north/souththis plac...Read Full Lyrics
Music is something that should reiterate a thought of the way of life here. It's something that everyone.. kind of takes for granted, that its here. and its going to be around to m...Read Full Lyrics
"raindrops taste like tears, without the pain"tell me that your stars have not diedtell me that your eyes do not liejoin me, in my danceSt. Vitus Danceon this cliffoh see me, see m...Read Full Lyrics
look, the birds are falling downjust like rain they reach the groundand all the fools keep bleatingoh look, the White Ship, over therecome here, but dog damned days are nearI think...Read Full Lyrics
when you feel grief and lone all others appear so happythe weather then is beautiful, all could be so welland if your world falls apart all around seems laughterall those fragments...Read Full Lyrics
today I feel great, finally I've found itwe get drunk on Martini at the Peach Pitand tomorrow we crush the pigeons on the placeyour spirit smiles away my melancholy faceevery morni...Read Full Lyrics
look at the cat, it flies above my headhow will you live, how will you like itlook at the cat, it flies above your headI can seldom be with you, I'm in doubtsorry I can't promise y...Read Full Lyrics
outside we sit at night and watch the stars and satellitesthen we go inside, warm up our hands but notthe chill in my heartharmony harmony harmonywill never beharmony tragedyoutsid...Read Full Lyrics
now you don't see meI have closed my eyesbut now I am lostyou closed your eyesdespair dancing in my heartas I ran to escape my tearsI, I am alone, there is no God where I amrise, t...Read Full Lyrics
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