Come all ye fair and tender ladies. Be careful how you court your men.They're like a star on a summer morning. They'll first appear and then their gone.How I remember our days of c...Read Full Lyrics
Ameniza bala la la, ameniza bala la, la, ameniza bala la, la, ameniza bala la.Uta wena, uta wena, bawo we the uka da a banto kwakho. Waba dala, waba dala baba bini, bayindo da ne n...Read Full Lyrics
Gonna find a bran' new gal. Don't want one who's lazy 'cause the one I got right now, 'bout to drive me crazy.'Bout to drive me crazy. 'Bout to drive me wild. 'Bout to drive me dow...Read Full Lyrics
It's a mighty hard road that my poor hands have hoed. My poor feet have traveled a hot, dusty road.
Out of your dust bowls and westward we rode. Your deserts were hot and your moun...Read Full Lyrics
Oh see the hosts of fleet foot menWho speed with faces wanFrom Farmstead and from Fisher's cotAlong the banks of BannThey come with vengeance in their eyesToo late, too late are th...Read Full Lyrics
Go tell it on the mountains over the hills and ev'rywhere and you can go (go) tell it on the mountain, Jesus Christ was born.Down in a lowly manger, Jesus Christ was born and the L...Read Full Lyrics
Marcelle Vahine ai'a Tahiti a wa'aTa mata hata TahitiNo fatigi, fatigi mata hoO he no a'utu nu'a hu nuAi'a a hulu a o'uHe a hu na'a hu nu'a ei'a naHa a'a mai a an tat mahuMarcelle ...Read Full Lyrics
I've been away so long. Fought a war that's come and gone. Doesn't anybody know my name?My sister's up and wed and mama's took to bed. Doesn't anybody know my name?Please tell me, ...Read Full Lyrics
The crops are all in and the peaches are rott'ning.The oranges are piled in their creosote dumps.They're flying them back to the Mexico borderTo take all their money to wade back a...Read Full Lyrics
No one to talk my troubles to. No one to talk my troubles to. I remember when you were lookin' up at me as though I was the only one you'd ever want to see.No one to talk my troubl...Read Full Lyrics
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