She talked to idiot row,and mingled among the rich and poor.He talked Isabelle into the lake,he told ol'butch"I gotta make."and said,"the river was just a bloody mess, it was such ...Read Full Lyrics
When the swift creek boys were found,their bodies were deformed.But, they had no responsibilities.and the mother was relieved,but the father was devastated.No one will ever know ho...Read Full Lyrics
To carry a cross for youI tear myself apart for youTrue love never waitsAn excuse note from failure too late (live?)Does she give up on me?I'll never give up on mineDoes she give u...Read Full Lyrics
Witches pushing baby carriages,lice underdead folks finger nails,on the bottom of a cowboy boot,there is shit in the grass,a cat in a bag,the world is bound and gagged.Sitting at t...Read Full Lyrics
When I looked into the glassI didnt seeAny sort of predictionThrown back at meIs fate just an abstract fromWhich we predictNot a destiny in whichChanges are strictI don't know whic...Read Full Lyrics
Wake from this slumberMy tongue is clutteredI shudder to thinkOf all the things you've kept from meWhy won't you listen to any of my excuses?They're clever, I swearI'm always prepa...Read Full Lyrics
And I've got some things to get off my chestBefore my tongue and cheeksExplode all over the deskAnd maybe I'm not a wreckI'm just happy to be homeDon't you think I look dashingQuit...Read Full Lyrics
I looked up into the sky
I thought I caught your eye
You reminded me
There's nothing to see
But maybe you are wrong
Baby, I could come along
That would be quite fair
When you're n...Read Full Lyrics
I’m standing on a parking lot, all alone and quite confusedI can’t find my keys to the car, the sun’s gone down and I’m tooI left them all behind, no tears, though stupid d...Read Full Lyrics
She´s been spinnig for a little while - But it´s not gonna lastLaughing, smiling says there´s no way back - At least not to right trackBut there´s a cracker on the ground - And...Read Full Lyrics
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