LyricsTranslationNow welcom somer, with thy sonne softe,Now welcome summer, with your balmy sunThat hast this wintres weders over-shaker,Which has shaken off the winter stormsAnd d...Read Full Lyrics
LyricsTranslationThe most worthye she is in towne -She is the worthiest in the world -He that seith other do amiss -Those who say otherwise, are wrong(And) worthy to ber the crowne...Read Full Lyrics
LyricsTranslationE saw miny briddes seten on a tree;I saw a flock of birds a-sitting in a treeHe token her flight and flowen away,The birds took flight and flew away,With ego dixi,...Read Full Lyrics
LyricsTranslationLanquan li jorn son lonc en mayWhen the days are long in MayM'es belhs dous chans d'auzelhs de lonh,I love the singing of a bird from a faraway countryEt quan mi s...Read Full Lyrics
LyricsTranslationAt a springe wel under a thornAt the spring-head, under the thorn,There was bote of bale, a litel hire a thornThere was a cure for evil, not long ago.There beside ...Read Full Lyrics
LyricsTranslationMaiden in the mor lay,A maiden on the moor lay,In the mor lay;On the moor lay;Sevenight fulle,Seven whole nights,Sevenight fulle,Seven whole nights,Maiden in the m...Read Full Lyrics
LyricsTranslationAller êrst lebe ich mir werdeMy life has only now a deeper meaning,Sît mîn sündic ouge sihtThese sinful eyes have gazedDaz reine lant und ouch die erdeUpon thi...Read Full Lyrics
Ecce Mundi Gaudium Ecce Salus Gentium Virgo Parit Filium Sine Violentia Ave Virgo Regia Dei Plena GraciaNatus est de Virgine Sine viri semine Qui mundat a crimine Rex qui regit omn...Read Full Lyrics
Old age barks louder everydayan old woman’s hands press lightly on my facewhat’s she want with such a little boy, with hands so cold? youth goes right on growing old Is medicin...Read Full Lyrics
Nager dans les eaux troublesDes lendemainsAttendre ici la finFlotter dans l'air trop lourdDu presque rienÀ qui tendre la main Si je dois tomber de hautQue ma chute soit lenteJe n'...Read Full Lyrics
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