Nunca parto inteiramente,Não me dou à despedidaAs águas vão simplesmentePresas à sua nascenteÉ do seu modo de vidaFica sempre qualquer coisaQualquer coisa por fazerÀs vezes ...Read Full Lyrics
I got magic in my head, magic up my nose
magic coming out my fingers, magic crying out my eyes
I've got magic everywhere I fucking look
I can't fight it either, I wish I could
Ste...Read Full Lyrics
Scoop yer brain from the floor,now the door is ajar,and the more you go far,you receive light relief,then it's back,get no peace,get no... PEACE!Now the glass becomes water,the 80s...Read Full Lyrics
As far as we knew everything was fine.Our parents didn't argue or get into fights.But behind their bedroom doors we could hear everything.We could hear sounds that came out of mout...Read Full Lyrics
I'd like to think of this and them as a second chance.But I know in my mind that's a lie.This new guys great but I miss the days that I spent with my dad.I think the catchphrase"I ...Read Full Lyrics
I've been searching through the veins in my body, hoping to find the one that connects my heart to my mind, and at that time I assume it all will make more sense. But for now I'll ...Read Full Lyrics
High school's over, and I don't think I could have made it through without you there.We've been through so much,And we're both in store for so much more.I've got this little hint, ...Read Full Lyrics
What I'm about to tell you might seem a little odd.But your dad might not have been the man who helped me bring you into this world.Loyalty wasn't my best feature back thenAnd nobo...Read Full Lyrics
Every day I wake, I think of the mistake my mother made,And how its driving me insane.Every time I see a reflection of me I don't see the slightest similarity.This brown hair and b...Read Full Lyrics
I know you think that it's not as bad as it may seem butI don't think that's the case, I don't think that's the case at all.I know she means the best for me but I can only see hera...Read Full Lyrics
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