Was it an act of evolution or a mistake more divine?
The creation of mankind a million years ago
Too few of them can be convinced about the truth of life
The majority of men - stil...Read Full Lyrics
See it emerge from the ocean depths
Its dull black eyes staring into yours
Without fear it confronts you
As it did before the dawn of man
Overpopulation is a threat to mankind
The...Read Full Lyrics
People are suffering
It is the slow death
Sometimes it takes years
Until they are dead
Nobody knows
Why it hits you
What have you done
To deserve this torture
You can give it a na...Read Full Lyrics
The sea was calm
And the night was hot
We wer staying under deck
When the first boat shot
No suprise to us
That it hit us not
We were drinking under deck
When the second boat shot...Read Full Lyrics
I saw all the tragedies
Happened to mankind
I'm always involved
When trouble hits our life
It's not me to turn the fate
To a better end
What I do will make it worse
So I s...Read Full Lyrics
A long time ago
You went off to seek your soul
Disappeared out of my life
With a promise to return
But you got lost on your way
The girl I knew never came back
You got trapped, los...Read Full Lyrics
It never was and never will be
The sun setting beyond horizons
It always was and ever will be
The earth which keeps on turning
The world moved on and left me here
The world moved ...Read Full Lyrics
Unzerstörbar zieh'n wir unsere Bahn
Keine Müh' zu groß, kein Weg zu lang
Will uns jemand stören, warden wir's nicht hören!
Keine Zeit vertan und nichts versäumt
Alle Hinderni...Read Full Lyrics
You grow up in the wartime
But the wars are all over
Peacetimes aren't easy
For a warrior like you
There's really nothign left what you can do
Now that the war is over
And no one n...Read Full Lyrics
The message hits them very deeply
Left them alone with their loss
They wanted to see to believe
But this is what they got told:...Read Full Lyrics
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