Oh my love, You greet me nowIn this tempest night, I’ve run agroundAnd the day has rolled on into neverBut You won’t wane in winters coldAnd in my dark, Your lights go onFeel m...Read Full Lyrics
I tried to fly, but my wings were brokenTrying to reach YouI caught the train without a tokenTrying to reach YouAll that I long for is all that You giveAll that I run to is there w...Read Full Lyrics
This desert road draws every step
I roam on endless sands
Fables of treasures told
Have kept me in foreign lands
The mirage I made veiled your face
I counted the loss
I cried an o...Read Full Lyrics
Love, love will make the distanceIt’s song riding through the moorsOf all that’s lostHope, the flag that leads the missionFlying over rain and foeTo rescue me from harmI see my...Read Full Lyrics
You catch the starlight in your hands
Seal my heart with golden strands
You give me everything you have
I'm burning
If time could turn back every page
Tears could wash the bitter ...Read Full Lyrics
Under the starboard sail, I glideFloating on seas that paint the skyInto the eternal maritimeLaden with troves of seraphicUnder the leaves of clementineBathed by the moon at eventi...Read Full Lyrics
I've found love, I've found peace in my lifeI've found joy, that no one can describeWhen I lay down to sleepThere's a voice inside, keeps telling meSomething that I ought to doYou'...Read Full Lyrics
Lines of evil men who regret nothing their hands smooth silk white porcelain mouths stitching lies but I am the one who's left here to degenerate living the moment that I stop brea...Read Full Lyrics
You turn your back of empty sockets cowardyour highest title cradle the lie feigning your own death sympathy comes but not pouring as it had does it? Even with this staged tragedy ...Read Full Lyrics
Well I'm taking time to realize
I'm making myself sick
With every pill that fills me inside
It makes it hard for me to quit
It's not like I want to be a slave to something
But some...Read Full Lyrics
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