El Tercer Ojo
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Sueno Eterno
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Procuro Verdades
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Sobras Del Progreso (Remains of the Progress)
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Mercaderes de la Muerte (Death Merchants)
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Secuestrade por los Deseos Conformistas del la Asesino (Seized by the Conformist Intentions of the Assassin)
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Ilusiones Robadas a la Inocencia (Dreams Stolen to the Innocence)
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Arrastrados (Wretched)
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El Desprecio a lo Oculto (Scorn about the Hidden)
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Manos que Estrechan Planes de Muerte y Sometimiento (Hands Embracing Death and Submission Plans)
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Obedecidas Bajo el Miedo del Castigo (Obeyed for Fear of Punishment)
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Estetica Vs. Human (Aesthetics Vs. Human Being)
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Cautiverio (Captivity)
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