respect me, I'm not an object, stop hitting on me, LOOK AT MY BOOBIES!!!!!
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my super sweet sixteen year late term abortion
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how long before that pic of you kissing your bitch makes you feel stupid
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now i ain't sayin girl gamers are golddiggers. . . .oh wait, yes I am
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does ubisoft fix your mascara when you cry
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fashioncore is girls fault
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dr. uwe boll?
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god's in his heaven, the street fighter movie doesn't exist and all is right with the world
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sucking dick for memory cards
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chest tattoos make for easier targets
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if i win the lottery, i'm gonna pay HOT97 to play our shit
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neopets doesn't count as a strategy game
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is it just a coincidence that the people who bitch about file sharing don't put out anything worth spending money on?
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your ex grinfreind looks like the guy from POD
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