One, two, one-two-three-four!
Soap and quarters and bleach and laundry
Are the words I use at the laundromat
Reading the news, and watching the people
That's what I do at the laun...Read Full Lyrics
My baby's got two hands
My baby's got two feet
My baby's got a forehead
And all the chicken you can eat (all right, whoo!)
My baby's got two elbows
My baby sure has a nose
My baby...Read Full Lyrics
Hello, my name is Billy Bob and I don't give a damn
I got myself some white sheets straight from the Ku Klux Klan
I got myself a daughter and she's a Mongoloid
Because I married my...Read Full Lyrics
Sand is hurting my tender feet
The air smells like rotting fish and Solarcaine
I hate the people on the beach
With their towels and umbrellas, they're so insane
I don't want to be...Read Full Lyrics
Some people believe in astrology
Others believe in technology
Some people believe in all those "ologies"
But I believe in swordfish (he believes in swordfish!)
I believe in Happy...Read Full Lyrics
Mom and Dad don't like me
They say I'm mean and crude
Oh, they tried to make me a good little worm
They're sticking downers in my food
Fucked-up world
We're all veterans of a fuck...Read Full Lyrics
Up on the hilltop where the vultures perch
That's where I'm gonna build my church
T'ain't gonna be no priest, ain't gonna be no boss
Just Charles Nelson Reilly nailed to a cross
I...Read Full Lyrics
(One, two, three huh!)
Little Billy drunk on beer
Plops down behind the steering wheel
His prom date pukes on her brand new dress
He wonders who'll clean up the mess
His car skids...Read Full Lyrics
Big lizard in my backyard
Can't afford to feed him anymore
Big lizard in my backyard
Bustin' down my neighbor's door
I bought a big lizard, only a dollar-fifty
Well, that's pretty...Read Full Lyrics
(This is a gorilla girl)
Gave to the gorilla girl, gobs and gobs of love
No one else would touch that girl unless they wore a glove
Gifted was this girl of mine, great knowledge c...Read Full Lyrics
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