Everything you've uttered is an echo
And this is not a curse
At least not by the hands of another
Your refuse
Will fertilize
Your own children
And the tunnel is burrowed eternally...Read Full Lyrics
(feat. Stza)
Run, cover
Here comes la migra
Run, cover
Here comes the cops
Hiding in shadows, here comes la migra
Two days in the desert, here comes the pigs
We came as inmates t...Read Full Lyrics
Without alarm, destruction creeps
And silently takes apart our ability to see
Everything we, we say we stand for
And everything we, everything we hold dear
And if this is just the ...Read Full Lyrics
Detached from reality
Withdrawn from the game
Tiptoeing around logic
Catalyst dried up to a muddle
Words will forever fail
Perpetual and steady separation
Parched nerves drink the ...Read Full Lyrics
Wait until the sky falls
Endless, it consumes us all
It's all gone
Wait until we all wish we could stop
Waiting for the other shoe to drop
It's all gone now
All the lies we t...Read Full Lyrics
The ground below us gives way
Our foundations are no more
And yet we try so hard to stay the same
Our world shifts beneath our feet
We are consumed
It's out of our hands...Read Full Lyrics
We stand at it's feet
And stare it straight in the eyes
And strap up
And set out
To be unchained
From the chains
Halfway up we'll pause
And gag at the stench
And think
At least it'...Read Full Lyrics
Narrowly escape the storm engulfing
Run aground in waters evaporating
Infinite cycle wants an ending
Asking questions without answers
Bliss was never knowing
The hunt was better th...Read Full Lyrics
Cry alone, let go, and fly home
Tears well up as I forget
To remember times that never last
Sight and sentiment do bring me back
Though there's plenty more ahead
But the past ...Read Full Lyrics
(I still feel it's real
But, ugh
It mean, I mean, It seems
I don't like things to be real)
It turned out to be a dream
When things I've seen
Where discos
As things...Read Full Lyrics
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