We were young and you were tugging on my sleeve, well it gets so cold in Chicago, Maybe someday we will find our own but the noise will break it wide open, today it's so cold in Ch...Read Full Lyrics
Go forward, and maybe, we'll stop and see the whole thing through. I'm standing by, baby, in time I'll get the best of you. I will be with you. I wouldn't kill it for you, just let...Read Full Lyrics
Before we go in I'd like to see if I remember who I amBefore the testing comes I'd like to see if I can settle in againToo far, do you remember where we are, I learned my lesson ag...Read Full Lyrics
Must be going somewhere, off the open road, the sun burned down the place were headed too.As she holds her head up high, the stars are passing by, the night turns into lighter shad...Read Full Lyrics
I patched in all your lines, standing and waiting by, forget all you had to do. Now that I'm on time, you said to me that I wouldn't ever lose, not you. Now I can't go on and it's ...Read Full Lyrics
Baby shows her wings againI don't think I can go wrongBroke it down to parts againThree years going strongI found it all familiar, like seeing through your mirror and knocking on y...Read Full Lyrics
Are we everything without ourselves? You have seen my soul, I'm left unconciouse and without hope, and some would say we win, the battle that were in? Bring me out of here I am los...Read Full Lyrics
Oh no seems that I have let you go. Oh no, it seems that I have misunderstood where you are, and reading the plans, you have missed it. You've hit everyone right between the eyes, ...Read Full Lyrics
June 12th: We have arrived and every moment is spent working there is little time for writing. Today I discovered some problems with our right engine but I believe we are on the ri...Read Full Lyrics
The President of the United StatesThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20500Dear Mr. President,It is my greatest honor and privilege to be considered by you and...Read Full Lyrics
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