A prizefight between your entrapy and cowardice. The sweet science of being in love.The sweet science of giving up.Did she keep a fileof all your lame excuses,and vulgar transgress...Read Full Lyrics
The bullfighter's jobis to avoid fighting the bull.The bullfighter's jobis to simply step asideand let anertia take it's due.That'd be a pretty good job for you...Maybe you should ...Read Full Lyrics
Proud and doomedas a dodo bird,in a history textbook,under a puddle of drool,on your desk.Jesus loves you,but he's alone in that sentimentso don't get too comfortable...Comfortable...Read Full Lyrics
It's a cold call to enemy soil,Past the tight framebehing which, in disgust, you recoil.When you said to leave a message at the tone, I know you were hoping for more than a click a...Read Full Lyrics
when the cavalry clearsand the limbs of our peerslay around us like sticks in the mudwe'll say to ourselves,"where's the heaven in this hell?"we're on a ladder without any rungswit...Read Full Lyrics
What have I gotThat makes you want to love meIs it my bodyOr someone I might beOr something insideYou'd better tell meTell meIt's really up to youHave you got the timeTo find out w...Read Full Lyrics
For every casket contrived, there was a life prepared for it's abode, but now the ground holds the living....how shall this work?In the ground, beneath the soil, her feral will to ...Read Full Lyrics
so longto the daysyou grow sad ofand ifi try butfoundnot much for you to holdthe more you holdthe more you feel aloneand waittill you can waittill you can waittill you can waitno o...Read Full Lyrics
shut your, shut your mouthyou better seize this momentlet's don't dare disownlet's make outi'll never ever get youmrs. complete enigmabut you seem to have your momentsthat really m...Read Full Lyrics
for a cat i am very offensiveand i do have a thing for youi will hide in the snow if i need youmy foot is black and the rest is attitudecan you tell now they answer to discodid you...Read Full Lyrics
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