Darkened waters, lying before me, many secrets, that we cant see, a strangeferry, guided by a corpse, takes me to an island where I must- Survive!I cannot see, for the mist is too ...Read Full Lyrics
Have you ever asked yourself what is the purpose of life-why is our history so unprovenwhy is there so many different stories of evolutionsome may believe we evolved from primatesb...Read Full Lyrics
Killing for the music and the music kills his pain-Psycroptipathmentally he's screaming as his life drives him insane-Psycroptipathjudgement reigns upon him from those higher in th...Read Full Lyrics
Living underground, away from societyNever having to face your conformed realityA tribe all alone, living their own wayIncredible below ground fortressConstructed by our own handsF...Read Full Lyrics
Tumbling deep into a darkened nightmareUnconsciously your soul lost in your dreamYou can hear the details of your dream toldYou are inside of a LabyrinthLost within a maze created ...Read Full Lyrics
Why do we need this?Who was it that said that great things come to great men?Well that fucker lied to usThere's nothing here but a wastelandAnd I can still see the graves of the de...Read Full Lyrics
Scared to open up these eyesSee just what's insideTwisted and coldThis house is not a homeHelp me nowI'm dying here all alone.This is not a new gameSo don't think that you know.Cas...Read Full Lyrics
"I'm leaving" yeah I heard you the first time Leave it quick so make a hasty exitI just wanted to say goodbyeGood luck at the high ride or the regret will eat you aliveThey don't g...Read Full Lyrics
Set Freeeverything you need to let gowhen we speak, we breathewhen we breathe we feelallow meand watch me lay my thoughts downright here, right nowI can't breathemy speech is slowI...Read Full Lyrics
It's the kind of night when your eyes can see for milesBut your head can't seem to get a thing straightOn the edge of something you know is gonna change youBut you're told you're g...Read Full Lyrics
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