How do you spell relief?
I get D-are-you-N-K
Lately Dave since my baby left me
I do it almost every day
It's the only thing that I've found
That'll take the hurt away
Well how do ...Read Full Lyrics
By David Allan Coe
Used to go with my grandpa up to the town square, set him down up there on A picnic bench and he used to play checkers with them other old men up there....Read Full Lyrics
Betty drove the semi she pulled up to the pump
I thought I wanted a Coca-Cola and I started out on the jump
She said hold it Dave come quick there's something you gotta see
That ma...Read Full Lyrics
By: David Allan Coe and Larry Murray
Betty drove the semi, she pulled up to the pump
I thought I wanted A coca-Cola and I started out on the jump
She said, "hold it dave, come qui...Read Full Lyrics
The Vibrator Queen
Well she ordered it from a magazine
I guess for about ten bucks
And it came by special delivery
In a plain brown cardboard box
Well she opened it and inspected ...Read Full Lyrics
The devil went to Jamaica
He was looking to sell some weed
He was doin' fine
They were standin' in line
It was excellent weed indeed
When he came across a young man
Who was l...Read Full Lyrics
By David Allan Coe
It was too cold to stay
In the north and la
Seemed the most likely place I could stay
Those malibu nights
And those hollywood lights
Were blinding me
I long for...Read Full Lyrics
The old man was covered with tattoos and scars
He got some in prison and others in bars
The rest he got workin' on old junk cars
In the daytime
They looked like tombsto...Read Full Lyrics
By David Allen Coe
Dedicated to Meme for being there.
Its A fairytale morning, the ocean looks turquoise
As if it was painted that way
The waves how they rush from the shore or...Read Full Lyrics
By David Allan Coe & Skeet Petty
Dedicated to Meme Broussard Coe for love and devotion through it all, To Cherie for the hospital care and Nancy for cooking my meals, and Debbie f...Read Full Lyrics
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