I've been doing this for too longShe treats me like I'm already goneI've become what I most despiseCause that's something she likesYou're talking Mary to meShe's like religion to m...Read Full Lyrics
I'm out, I've slept all dayI need a walk in fresh air tonightfirst snow comes downpounders my good coatmelts on the streetand my shoes get soakedhey blizzard light up the skylight ...Read Full Lyrics
I fell in love with Bob Dylan's ghostwhile his body was touringfrom coast to coastI wonder if he's thinking; what am I doing hereand does he keep a don't between his I and careand ...Read Full Lyrics
they were suspicious:something was wrong at an early ageso little a creaturebut consumed by uncontrollable rageborn with teethand a thorn in everybody's sideline 'em up and roll 'e...Read Full Lyrics
Vs. 1:This is not our fault that we dependedOn this useless generation to bring usBack into it all, real art. Not some diva or a dj who cannot count and every beat just Falls apart...Read Full Lyrics
I'm stuck awake another nightso I go out where there's a lightand the trucks the trains and the sirenstraffic through the silencethere's so many ways out of hereso dream on cross y...Read Full Lyrics
break the breaker's partsshow him who you really areit's been raining cats and dogsand the big bearon the milky wayfell down and the little bearin the stratospheregot hungbreak the...Read Full Lyrics
I broke up a familyyou only broke a heartare you happy nowI cut off the family treeyou only tore one apartare you satisfiedI am the heartI am the oneI tried to pick it upbut it's g...Read Full Lyrics
every home should be a denbut if it's not a home,what happens then?there should not bea dress-code at the tableor a must to accomplish thingsyou hatewhen did it come toall of these...Read Full Lyrics
Vs. 1: You think that you want to have it allbut you cannot handle such a thought. Take a hint and find your own self interests.You’re not a shooting star at night byshadowing wh...Read Full Lyrics
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