[Verso 1]
Se um dia alguém, perguntar por mim
Diz que vivi para te amar
Antes de ti, só existi
Cansado e sem nada para dar
Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces
Peço...Read Full Lyrics
Yo sé que quieres
Llevarte mi ilusión
Yo sé que puedes también
Llevarte mi alma
Pero, ay amor, si te llevas mi alma
Llévate de mí también el dolor
Ll...Read Full Lyrics
What is about you
That makes me want to build a trap
A floating house in a lonely island
For us to hide
What if we could
Arrange the sentence of our crime
You'll be both
T...Read Full Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Já desde sempre, já desde então
Sentia no fundo, sentia um senão
Gritavam menina, mas ele não via
Talvez um dia pudesse mudar
No corpo estava a raz�...Read Full Lyrics
Ayer tuve que acercarme al mar, al mar
Ayer tuve que rendirme ante la soledad
Necesité ahogar mis penas
Dejarlas llevar por la marea, en luna nueva
Hoy tuve que gritarle
Al...Read Full Lyrics
Some things will never change
That's what you told me
I say just give it a try
'Cause I will want you back
If I'm the one to blame
For a shaking fortress
I'll make it up to...Read Full Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Ela disse-me assim, tem pena de mim, vai embora
Ele pode chegar, vais-me prejudicar, está na hora
E eu não tinha motivos nenhuns para me recusar
E aos beijos caí e...Read Full Lyrics
Due to the sound of your voice
And all the accidental things that can happen
I might just stay away
Before I find what my heart is after
Due to the look in your eyes
And all...Read Full Lyrics
Don't loose that glow,
The one you had before
That's how I fell in love
In the first place
But then with some time
That light of yours that shined
Faded out like the end
O...Read Full Lyrics
Excuse me
If I bore you
When I talk about the things I like to do
Excuse me
If I'm not like them
I'd always liked to think there's something else out there
For us, the worl...Read Full Lyrics
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